If you are reporting a lost/found Sig Board, please email us at bsaa.apo@gmail.com
Beta Sigma Sig (Signature) Boards
Once upon a time… (best guess mid-70’s until sometime in the 2000’s) …
Beta Sigma pledges were given a service pin shaped piece of plywood (called a pledge paddle…but no paddling was involved) and encouraged to get brothers to sign the back of the board as well as the Sig page in the pledges book.
Each semester, these paddles were traced from other paddles onto plywood and cut out by actives that had access to power tools (via advisors, parents, workplaces, etc.). Many times, the last cuts and edge sanding was happening just minutes before distribution to the pledge class.
After getting the last Sig, pledges gave their paddle to their Big Brother who would decorate the front, add a congratulatory note and Sig to the middle of the back. Big Brothers would return the decorated paddle to their Little Brother. Sadly, it’s worth noting that there have been times Big Brothers did not return the paddle.
It is amazing how many brothers still have their paddles, many proudly on display on their “Tech Wall” at their home or office. When these brothers look at all the sigs on the back, many great memories are suddenly as vivid as 20, 30, even 40+ years prior.
And now…
The alumni membership of the Beta Sigma Alumni Association was approached by APO-legend Cole Robertson to offer the active chapter the opportunity to try this tradition again. BSAA President Rick Diles then bounced the idea off the Fall 2020 Active Chapter Exec. So, they’re back.
This time, we decided to call them Sig Boards. The Sig Boards are paid for and “manufactured” via the Beta Sigma Alumni Association (especially Javier Moreno).
Chapter issues Sig Boards at the pledge ceremony or the first pledge meeting.
During the semester, Pledges gather sigs on their Sig Board.
Pledges give their Sig Board to their Big on at the end of the semester, or when they have completed their Sig requirements.
Big will return the decorated Sig Board to their Lil at the beginning of the next semester or sooner.
Other notes:
The removable label on the sig-side also serves as a reserved spot for your final sig from your Big along with a brief personal note.
Save the front for DECORATION by your Big.
Only imagination will limit how your Big decorates the front of your Sig board.
Paddle Tramps
Fraternity logo decals at Greek Gear
Hobby Lobby
Greek letters are also available in lots of sizes and colors online from many places
Many Bigs will share things like paint, stain, wood burners, and other tools/supplies
Pro tips:
You do not EVER have to WEAR your Sig Board…but you might want to always have it in your backpack just in case you have a random chance at another sig.
Sig space is limited, so ask brothers to keep it simple.
Always have a ballpoint pen handy.
Get a bottle of clear fingernail polish and give recent sigs a light coat every few days.
Don’t steal or hide Sig boards! Just Don’t!